Ashik Kabeer

Clean Code, Big Impact


🟩 Node.js

πŸš€ Express.js

🐘 PostgreSQL

πŸ“ Sequelize

🟩 MongoDB

πŸ”„ Redis

πŸ§ͺ Jest

🐧 Linux

🐳 Docker

☁ Google Cloud

πŸš€ GitHub Actions

πŸš€ RESTful APIs


Social Media Application for Students

Mongoose, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Google Cloud Storage

web-based social media platform tailored for college students. This involved architecting the application and building server-side functionality to handle user authentication, create posts, manage college, user management

Implemented a well-organized file structure for the project, dividing features into dedicated folders such as Routes, Controllers, Middlewares, Models, and Utils. This improved code maintainability and readability, streamlining the development process.

Implemented MongoDB Atlas for database, integrating with Mongoose for data modelling and interaction. It improved the scalability of the database.

Developed an image upload feature with integration to Google Cloud Storage. This enabled users to include images in their posts, and profile pictures while ensuring efficient storage and retrieval

Video Streaming Platform

Socket.IO, WebSockets, Javascript, WebRTC

Implemented a video streaming platform using WebSockets and the library for real-time communication. Leveraged to establish a bidirectional communication channel between the server and clients, enabling seamless exchange of video and chat data.

Integrated the Peer.js library to enable peer-to-peer video calling functionality. Utilized WebRTC for efficient real-time communication and video streaming, allowing users to establish direct connections for video calls without relying on a central server for media relay.

Implemented a chat feature which is real-time during video calls. Integrated to transmit chat messages between clients and display them in a user-friendly format, enhancing the collaborative nature of the platform.

Artificial Intelligence Discord Bot

NodeJS,ExpressJS Discord API, OpenAi API

Implemented OpenAi chatbot in Discord as a bot to enhance user interaction.

Engineered the bot’s architecture, integrating OpenAI’s powerful natural language processing capabilities to provide intelligent responses and enrich the overall user experience within Discord servers.

Implemented MongoDB Atlas for database, integrating with Mongoose for data modelling and interaction. It improved the scalability of the database.

This allowed the bot to intelligently respond to user queries, engage in conversations, and perform contextual actions, contributing to an enhanced and dynamic user experience within Discord communities


(adding soon...)